Hints for authors



Energiemarkt GmbH


Editorial Office:

Katia Meyer-Tien


Organ of the:

DGMK - German Society for Sustainable Energy Carriers, Mobility and Carbon Cycles e.V.

ÖGEW - Austrian Society for Energy Sciences.


Scientific Advisory Board:

Prof. Dr. Leonhard Ganzer, TU Clausthal;
Univ.-Prof. Dr. B. Geringer, TU Wien;
Univ.-Prof. Dr. mont. Herbert Hofstätter, Montanuniversität
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Klose, Berlin;
Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Küchen, Wirtschaftsverband
Fuels und Energie e. V. (en2x), Berlin;
DI W. Hochfellner, RAG Austria AG, Wien;
Prof. Dr.- Ing. C. Marx, Owingen;
Dipl.-Ing. A. Möhring, Vermilion Energy
Deutschland GmbH, Schönefeld;
Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Reich, TU Bergakademie Freiberg;
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. P. Reichetseder, Hattingen;
Prof. Dr. K. M. Reinicke, ITE, TU Clausthal,
Dr. P. Sauermann, BP Europa SE, Bochum
Dr. V. Steinbach, BGR, Hannover



Autoren Guidelines

  • There are no author fees/publication fees for the publication of an article/contribution
  • Manuscripts may not be published in any other journal or submitted simultaneously for publication
  • In principle, there is no claim to the publication of submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts and illustrations are sent at the author's risk. Documents will only be returned on special request
  • Authors commit themselves to participate in the peer review process
  • All authors mentioned must have contributed significantly to the content of the manuscript to be published
  • All authors are obliged to provide corrections of errors
  • Literature sources must be referenced and financial support must be mentioned
  • Merkblatt für Autoren
  • Lead to Authors


Peer review process

EEK - Technology & transformation of fossil and green energies is a technical journal for the entire field of fossil and green energy with international circulation. The range of journal topics includes technical and scientific contributions on exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas (on- and offshore), processing and application of petroleum or petroleum products including petrochemicals, and topics on the conversion of carbon carriers. These topics include hydrocarbon storage and transportation, pipeline and plant engineering, and analytics. Contributions from related or associated fields of work and expertise such as maintenance, occupational safety, environmental protection, hydrogen, and geothermal energy production (deep geothermal energy) are also considered.

The type of publication is subdivided without direct reference in the journal into scientific and technical original articles, review articles and short articles, news and announcements as well as notices from the DGMK and ÖGEW.

Scientific and technical original contributions are evaluated by expert reviewers before publication.


Description peer review process:

  • Unsolicited manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and submitted via the "Scientific Advisory Board" (see above) or directly to a peer-reviewed expert. The implementation of the reviewer's recommendations by the author will be reviewed by the editorial office.
  • Manuscripts acquired by the editors are mainly based on presentations at scientific/technical conferences of the DGMK and ÖGEW. The quality is assessed by the moderators of the lectures. The expert moderators recommend corresponding papers for publication.


Copyright & access to the journals / articles

EEK is supplied as an organ journal within the framework of membership (DGMK/ÖGEW).

The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Photocopies for personal and other personal use may only be made of individual articles or parts thereof as single copies. This also applies to inclusion in electronic databases and mailboxes as well as to reproduction on CD-ROM or other transportable data carriers.


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DOI (Digital Object Identifier)-Nummern: DOI10.19225/yyyyxxzz (JahrMonatAusgabe)